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DEJOURS, Christophe. A loucura do trabalho. São Paulo, Cortez/Oboré, 1988. 163 p..

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FISCHER, Frida Marian; GOMES, Jorge da Rocha; COLACIOPPO, Sérgio. Tópicos de saúde do trabalhador. São Paulo, Hucitec, 1989. 237 p..

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SILVA, Mara Regina Chuairi da. Acidente de trabalho. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1984. 72 p.. (Cadernos do Isop no 2 - Ergonomia II)

SILVA, Mara Regina Chuairi da. Análise sociotecnológica. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1984. 53 p.(Cadernos do Isop no 1 - Ergonomia I)

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WOODSON, Wesley E. Human factors reference guide for process plants. New York , McGraw-Hill, 1986. 317 p.

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MEISTER, David. Human factors; testing and evaluation. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1986. 423 p.

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* Francófona

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GUERIN, F.; LAVILLE, A.; DANIELLOU, F.; DURAFFOURG, J.; KERGUELEN, A. Comprendre le travail pour le transformer; la pratique de l'ergonomie. Mountrouge (Paris), ANACT, 1991. 233 p.

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GOODSTEIN, L. P.; ANDERSEN, H. B.; OLSEN, S. E. Task, errors and mental models. London , Taylor & Francis, 1988. 342 p..

LEPLAT, Jacques. Erreur humaine, fiabilité humaine dans le travail. Paris, Armand Colin, 1985. 198 p..

PARK, Kyung S. Human reliability: analysis, prediction, and prevention of human errors. Amsterdam , Elsevier, 1987.340 p.

RASMUSSEN, Jens; DUNCAN, Keith: LEPLAT, Jacques. New technology and human error. Chichester ( Great Britain ), John Wiley, 1987. 354 p.

REASON, James. Human error. Cambridge (UK), Cambridge University Press, 1990. 302 p.

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ALEZRA, C,; CHRISTOL, J.; FALZON, P.; MAZOYER, B.; PINSKY, L.; SALEMBIER, P. L'ergonomie des logiciels; un atout pour la conception des systèmes informatiques. Paris, Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 1987.

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FALZON, Pierre. Cognitive ergonomics; understanding, learning and designing human-computer interaction. London , Academic Press, 1990. 261 p.

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KOLSKI, Christophe. Ingénierie des interfaces homme-machine; conception et évaluation. Paris, Hermes, 1993. 372 p.

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MAYHEW, Deborah. Principles and guidelines in softwares user interface design. Prentice-Hall , New Jersey , 1992. 612 p.

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BENYON, David; DAVIES, Gordon. A guide to usability; usability now! Milton Keynes , The Open University, 1990.

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RUBIN, Jeffery. Handbook of usability testing: how to plan, design and conduct effective tests. John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

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BARBER, Paul. Applied cognitive psychology; an information processing framework. London , Routledge, 1988. 223 p.

DILLON, Andrew. Designing Usable Eletronic Text. Ergonomics Aspects f Human Information Usage. Taylor & Francis, London , 1994. 195p.

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LAUGHERY, Kenneth R.; WOGALTER, Michael S.; YOUNG, Stephen L. (Ed.) Human factors perspectives on warnings. Santa Monica (CA), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1994. 282 p.

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ATKINSON, Stephanie; MOCKFORD, Clive. Product Design. Oxford , Oxford University Press, 1992. 64 p.

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